We have had the honor of working with some amazing non-profits and are proud to showcase this work. Every organization is different and has different needs. Our goal is to understand their need and produce media that can be most beneficial to the organization we are partnering with. We love to see the creative ways organizations end up using what we create and feel connected to them, their cause and the communities in which they continue to work.
Eight hours from the capital of Uganda lies the community of Kabermaido. Filled with the most beautiful people, they welcomed us into their community through song and dance. Visiting a different school daily, we worked with Surge for Water and their ground partners to provide different clean water and hygiene initiatives. At each school we taught the children using the popular WASH program, heard stories from the women of the community and led menstrual hygiene training with the local female teachers and adolescent age girls. Not only did the people of Kabermaido welcome us into their community and hearts, we each left with a new name given to us in their local language.
Believing that art can be used in any medium to raise awareness, Joanna Paul, a professional dancer and participant on our trip with Wine to Water, came back from the Amazon determined to rally her community and create change. Bringing together her artist community, we partnered together to put on a performance fundraiser in Chicago, with the proceeds going back to raise money for clean water. Joining together over 15 artists in the fields of dance, music, spoken word and story telling, it was not only a night of incredible performance, but one that bridged the gap between communities near and far.
Wine to water - Amazon
Located deep in the heart of the Amazon lies the community of Puerto Alegria. This community, although frequented by boat loads of tourists coming to take pictures with rare and exotic animals, was lacking one of life’s most important resources; clean water. Prior to the work of Wine to Water, the community of Puerto Alegria’s only source of clean water, was the rainwater that God provided. This community was otherwise forced to rely on the dirty water from the Amazon river for their cooking, cleaning, drinking and bathing. Working alongside Wine to Water we were able to bring the supplies necessary to repair the broken wells into this community that is accessible only by boat. Over the course of the week, we had the opportunity to give away 110 hygiene kits and repair two broken wells that are now providing water to over 500 people in the community.
Serving the communities of Fiji since 2008, this is a location that is known to most of the world to produce the finest of clean water. However when Give Clean Water began, over 50% of the locals had no access to clean water. Recognizing this need, Give Clean Water stepped in to fill the gap. With a goal to provide access to clean water to every person in Fiji, they have been working alongside the ministry of health and Sawyer water filters to provide each household with a filtration system that will turn even the dirtiest water into clean drinking water.
Right on the US/MX border lies a city that has been forgotten by many; a city that is often times only passed through. Here on the border a church has been created to remind the people of Juárez that there is “something more” in store for this city. This church not only meets with the local community, it helps provide for their physical needs and offers a place for the youth of the community to enjoy just being kids. We were honored to partner with them as they serve and help capture their work in the community.